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Which Type Of Masks Provides The Best Droplet Control?

Which Type Of Masks Provides The Best Droplet Control? | Euro-American Homecare
With many states now requiring the use of face masks to try to stop the spread of COVID-19, people are wondering now, which type of mask provides the best protection?
The picture above is based on a recent study from the Florida Atlantic University, that concluded that well-fitted masks that are made from two layers of cotton fabric that is tightly stitched are the best when it comes to blocking the infectious droplets if a person coughs or sneezes. However, If you are not wearing a face-covering in public, your germs can travel up to 8 feet
Remember, masks alone won’t protect you from the virus, the use of face-covers should be combined with the recommendations of a social distance of at least 6 feet, avoiding touching your face and routinely washing your hands.
Source: Florida Atlantic University


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