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World Ovarian Cancer Day

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - by Euro-American Connections & Homecare
World Ovarian Cancer Day | Euro-American Connections & Homecare

Every year over 250,000 women around the world are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 140,000 women die of it, making it the number one cancer with the lowest survival rate among women.

Although it can be treated, due to a widespread lack of awareness and the absence of earlier screening tests, many cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed far too late. In fact, it is estimated that only 45% of women with advanced ovarian cancer are likely to survive for more than five years.

So, what are some ways you can protect yourself and your loved one?

Know your family history, and get tested! The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition provides a free family history quiz that determines whether or not you should get tested for hereditary ovarian cancer.

If you or a loved one are ovarian cancer survivors, be sure to reach out to other women who may be undergoing treatment. There’s nothing more helpful than connecting with others who are battling the same battle and can relate to your personal journey.

Host a fundraiser for women in your community – Whether or not you know someone personally that is battling ovarian cancer, there is no better time than now to rally for the women in your community. Host a fun, engaging fundraiser, whether it be a bake sale, recipe exchange, community theater event, or even luncheon and use resources you can find on this helpful NOCC website!

If you’re looking for more ways to engage with and stay educated about the symptoms of ovarian cancer, treatment, and diagnostics options, and tips for caregivers, visit the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition’s blog today!



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