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Top Superfoods to Add to Your Grocery List

Thursday, January 17, 2019 - by Euro-American Connections & Homecare
Top Superfoods to Add to Your Grocery List | Euro-American Homecare

Paying attention to not only how much you are eating, but which foods you are eating and reaching for at the supermarket is key to your overall health and wellbeing. The more nutrient-rich foods you eat, the better you will live, look, and feel! Because of this, we’ve compiled a quick list (with more to come) of various superfoods and some helpful facts about the health benefits of each.


If you haven’t heard of maca before, don’t worry! It’s gained quite a bit of popularity recently. Maca powder is a superfood originating from the root of the maca plant that grows in Peru. It provides a boost of energy, increased libido and many mood-boosting properties.



You know what they say – an apple a day keeps the doctor away! While this is far from the truth, apples are low-glycemic which means that it won’t increase blood sugar as much as other fruits you may love and snack on often, like bananas, grapes and raisins.



The easiest part about this tiny superfood is that you can add it to smoothies, baked goods and sprinkle it onto virtually any meal! Check out this list of just some of the health benefits of incorporating these superfoods into your diet.
◘ Omega 3 fats – known to lower risk of heart disease and stroke
◘ Anti-cancer hormone balancing compounds called lignans,
an important source of dietary fiber and antioxidants
◘ Dietary fiber for a healthy gut
◘ Essential vitamins and minerals




Mushrooms have been known for their generous healing properties for centuries- but what exactly sets them apart from the fruits and vegetables of the world? Mushrooms contain a very high amount of the mineral selenium- which detoxifies build up in your body and boosts the performance of enzymes in your liver.



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