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4 Caregiver Pick-Me-Ups You Need to Try

4 Caregiver Pick-Me-Ups You Need to Try | Euro-American Connections & Homecare

Having one of those days? Here are four Pick-Me-ups for Caregiver Stress:

Have a laughing session

Yes – we mean force yourself to laugh! Whether it be watching your favorite comedy on Netflix, sitcom on TV, or even looking up stand-up or scenes from your favorite comedian on YouTube (see Jim Carey’s best moments here). Laughter has been studied quite extensively, and can actually lower heart rate and blood pressure – even burn calories!

Work out!

We always emphasize that, you’re never “ready” or motivated to work out unless you do it often. This is due to the endorphins that working out produces, which gives you more energy, and raises your spirits! Whether it be something as simple as going for a walk, or going to the gym to take a quick swim or lift some free weights, any physical activity that will get your heart rate up.

Ask for help

Being a caregiver is tough – we know! But there’s nothing worse than not speaking up when you genuinely need help. Call your care coordinator, your close friend, or family friend that you haven’t spoken to in a while to vent about what you’re going through. If you have specific concerns or need assistance with your workload or client assignment, don’t keep it a secret, and know that you have plenty of people you can lean on, both at your agency, as well as in your life.

If you’re feeling frustrated, angry, sad, and everything in between, put it on paper…

Many psychologists believe that one of the best ways to express your feelings is by writing a letter or keeping a diary. Being frustrated with work and worrying about the days to come is common in many caregivers, but in order to avoid taking it out on others, and especially your client, take a breather and write a little. Writing down your thoughts, why you feel a certain way, and perhaps writing and brainstorming how you can overcome how you’re feeling can do wonders.


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