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4 Myths About Senior Nutrition that You Should Know

4 Myths About Senior Nutrition that You Should Know | Euro-American Homecare

What we eat every day and having general knowledge about what foods carry nutritional value and which don’t is an essential component of our health and well-being. Yet many seniors, and even their families may neglect their nutrition because of many reasons.

Among them can be the fact that many seniors can be picky eaters and are “stuck” in their own ways. Another reason is that there is still a stereotype that growing children and young adults, for example, need the most nutritional foods given their development.

Seniors, on the other hand, aren’t always considered as “developing”, but “declining” in health, which contributes to ageist and nihilistic sentiments about seniors. Other seniors with various chronic diseases must adhere to strict diets, such as diabetics, throughout the rest of their lives.

Myth 1) Loss of appetite is normal in seniors

While it may be “normal” in certain situations, losing your appetite as a senior can be a sign of serious health issues. Decreased taste sense as well as dental issues can also lead to a “loss” of appetite, which can lead to malnourishment and weight loss. Be aware of when and how often your loved one is eating, and be sure to help them weigh themselves regularly to make sure everything is in order.

Myth 1) Seniors with small appetites can skip meals

Skipping meals is not recommended, especially given that it can cause your body to crave more food later in the day, often unhealthy, comfort food, am I right? Skipping meals is also terrible for your blood sugar levels, which is very important to senior health.

Myth 3) Malnutrition isn’t an issue in the United States – my loved one is fine!

It is shocking that malnutrition still exists in an advanced nation like the United States. Between homeless individuals and low-income families, a group that is at high risk of developing malnutrition are seniors. Many seniors live on low incomes, and if they aren’t motivated to eat foods that are not only affordable, but nutritious by loved one, they too can become malnourished.

Myth 4) Seniors who have been naturally thin their entire lives can eat whatever they like

Despite the allure of being able to eat foods high in fat or sugar without gaining weight, there is nothing healthy about doing so. In fact, seniors who have made it to 60 and still eat unhealthy, processed foods, are at high risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Be sure you’re motivating your loved one to eat wholesome foods,



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